Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ride to the Gym.... another part comes loose...

Well, today Monica and I rode our bikes to the Gym. The chopper fired right up for the trip (she was excited). Idle was a bit high on the trip but I was hoping it would clear itself out. Nope... she just kept idling higher and higher...

Leaving the gym: She wasnt as excited to leave the gym. I had to kick her several times but never the less she got up and running and off to Wal-Mart we went. Went in Wal-Mart and got the stuff then back to the bikes. Kick after kick... and a few more kicks.... finally she gave up and started... Jeez! I rode her to the gas station and put gas in her. Then I notice the fuel coming out of the bottom of the carb... Ok... now the fuel thing is starting to become a problem. I fired her up (3 or so kicks) and brought her towards the house... keyword towards*

On the trip home I noticed the front brake was feeling spongy... Odd... then I noticed the brake lever was loose from the handlebars!!! JEEZ!! shit needs to stop falling off or being loose. I only lost one of the screws that held it on and got home safe and sound...

Just sent an email about a new carb... F' this carb.