Sunday, September 16, 2007

Big accomplishments

Well, today was big stuff. I got emulators running... Lets just say they are a major Pain the the ass!

For firmware 3.40OE-A

With NES Emulator:
It would run from the 3.40 Kernel but the NesterJ that I downloaded was corrupted.... Lovely.. when I got one that wasn't corrupt then I just made a folder named "roms" in the NesterJ folder and put my roms in there. Poof... old games on it..

With the Sega Emulator:
This was a bit more of a task. First it wouldnt run with my 3.40 OE-A. I had to reboot it in recovery mode, and change the Kernel to 1.50. Then I realized that I had all these files that were titled .gen. Well, for the DGen to read them they had to be .bin files. So after I renamed the most current file with the .bin. I was set and ready to play some Shinobi! Raar... oldies more and more.

So effectively now with my 2 gig mem stick. I have 3 videos (*that I edited down with PSP Video 9), 2 ISO's, 2 Emulators with about 20 games each on them all running wonderfully on my PSP. If I cant find something to play, then I have some issues.


monica said...

Well, I don't know what an emulator is... But I changed 2 poopy diapers today (and they were really runny)!