Monday, October 19, 2009

RAWR!! It has fire!!

Today the carbs are moving freely and feel like they are ready for fuel. So like every internally combusted engine it needs 3 things....

1) Fuel
2) Spark
3) Air

So I hooked up the battery charger to the leads on the bike (note: tank is still off and no fuel going to the carbs yet). I kinda cringed due to it just makes me nervous on the first hookup... I took the sparkplug out of the left cylinder and also the right one. I left the left wire connected to the plug and laid it on top of the head so I could rotate the engine with my right hand (via the kick starter) and watch for spark... nothing... over and over... nothing

Next I thought I should just keep it simple before I panic. I checked the clips holding the 2 battery wires. Woohoo. I hadn't made sure they connected well. Tried the kick over trick with my hands and POOF! I have fire... hellz to the yeah!

The 2 hard parts of the equation are done. Now providing the timing is correct I should be busting bugs within a week or so.

Left to do before firing:
1) finish cleaning rust from the tank
2) install newly working petcocks
3) put on tank
4) buy fuel lines and filter
5) install fuel lines and filter
6) buy a battery
7) install battery

This should put her running. Then I just have to put the rear fender back on and bolt down the seat. Closer and closer every day!